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Damian_Malfoy Edmond froze in his step as he felt the stairs move again. What was this, the fifth time it did it? He was never going to get to his dorm. This was just great because all he wanted to do was to lay down and sleep. SLEEP the whole day or forever. He tightened his grip on the wrinkled piece of parchment that was inside his fisted hand. If he slept maybe everything would turn out to be a nightmare.
Sweet. Fee got lost.
Again.She haaated these damn stairs.They never moved to where they should.
Sighing as it moved again she noticed another very familiar looking person.Now the only thing that could stop her were these stairs.
Please dont move.Just this one time.
Catching up to where the boy stood she smiled as she arrived.
"Hey you", she tipped on his shoulder smiling widely.
Fee had really missed him over the day.She just couldnt find him...