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"Excellent, both of you. And thank you, Mister Lockhart, for showing her the spell. Keep up the good work. Both of you."
The boy smiled, no, grinned.
Yes, because he'd gotten the spell right and received compliments from Professor Kingsley. Life couldn't be better right now. There was a nod as he took notice of the Professor moving to the center of the class.
He'll try it one more time.
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Fee listened to the boy carefully.She was really thankful that he had walked over to her.What would she do otherwise?!
"Ahh i see",she smiled.
Aiming her wand at the blanket she made a flourish movement.
Tah-dah. Her Slytherin scarf was back.
"Oh that was easy", she said surprised,"thank you... err.. whats your name by the way?"
"Brilliant!" she'd done it at the first try, he didn't remember if the same thing happened to him or not, but that's not what he needed to focus on. He will be trying to transfigure his scarf again.
"I'm Treyen, and you would be...?" a Slytherin, but he didn't know the name. As long as she didn't turn out to be like the Chicken and the Giraffe, then she was okay. If not, then he'll keep away.
Back to his scarf. He focused more this time, and since closing his eyes seemed to help, then he did it. Eyes closed, he imagined a very light, but very warm blanket, perhaps blue, though he felt okay with purple. Wand movement, and...
"Vestis vellus!" he said, eyes opening as soon as the spell was done and a wide smile on his face as a blueish purple fleece throw was in the place of his scarf.
Ha. He knew the spell now. Awesome!
It was a very soft throw, but he wanted the scarf back.
"Reverto!" now, the scarf was there, if not a bit more softer than before, but he was ready to move to the next spell. Yes.