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Adelyn read the note... duh! SHe was obviously going to sit on the floor! She ploped down on one of the cushions. Then she asked the proffesor casually. "Hi Proffesor, how are you doing today?" then she noticed plates. "Are we going to be eating cookies?" she asked excitedly, cookies were awesome!
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Cass entered the room with a smile on her face "Good morning professor." She said happily as she sat down at the middle of the room on a blue green cushion.
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Pillows! Kurumi was so excited by the relaxed atmosphere that she almost threw herself on a pile of pillows before she composed herself and ended up tripping over her own feet and falling on them anyway.
"H-h-h-hello, Professor," she giggled getting back onto her feet and taking a few pillows with her to sit on the ground near the front of the room. She wondered if there were going to be any snacks...she had a box of freshly baked cookies in her bag.
Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
Sylvie looked up as she heard the first student come in. It was early, but it was a good sign for sure. Setting the book down, she walked up toward the front.
"Hello Freya." she smiled. First student and it was a Slytherin. Yes it was going to be a good lesson.
"Morning Simon," she replied. Yay, another student!
And another student! "Hello Carter," she smiled. Pillows were definitely a great idea!
Looking up, Sylvie shook her head and laughed softly to herself. She figured someone would attempt to nap, but she would allow it for now.
"Hi Ellie," she smiled and returned the wave. Yes, another one happy with the pillows. Definitely a good idea.
Bouncing on her heels slightly with a small smile on her lips, she nodded back to the young champion. Everyone was liking the pillows and that was very good.
"Not much, Fletcher," she shrugged and tapped her fingers atop the table. "Treats."
Originally Posted by
Canoir Greengrass
Freya walked towards the History Of Magic classroom. She pushed the door opened and saw the class still empty. She's the first student who gets here?Weird. She noticed that the desks are pushed back slightly to the outskirts of the room. She saw Professor Welton thumbing through a small book "Hello Professor." she greeted her Professor. She looked at the blackboard it said that she could took a seat at a desk or on the floor. She thought for a moment. Hmm..The floor sounds more comfy. She took a seat on the floor and made herself comfortable.
Fee walked into the classroom and noticed the cushions on the floor.Plopping down on a pink one
of course. she looked trough the room for people she knew.
"Good morning professor", she smiled widely.
Looking further she noticed Freya,Cass,Addy and Kurumi.
She smiled at them brighly and waved.