Hmm, dissension? Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict Trying to make her truffle last as long as possible, Grayson had simply listened as Hailey had gone on to name a meeting place. It hadn't even occurred to her that there could be an issue, since as far as she was concerned, they were going to do something shifty. And awesome. But shifty, so it hadn't occurred to her that they would try to look otherwise. Which was odd, considering she prided herself on her ability to remain out of trouble. So to speak. But when Jimmy had spoken, she glanced over at him."That's true. But isn't curfew like ten oclock or something? If we can't get back up to the dorm by then, we have more issues than just looking suspicious," she pointed out. Not to mention the oddity of the two of them being out past curfew together, given the tendency for gossip. Not that she usually thought about that stuff, although now it made her wonder if she could manage to get snuck into the Hufflepuff common room if they were out past curfew down there. Best friend in the House and all.
But she glanced back at Hailey as she'd responded. Other options? She'd had one. "Um, well, I don't know if it really helps, cause it sort of would be a problem for you guys, but last term I used the Room of Requirement for a lot of planning and stuff," she said. Including when she'd been protesting Potions classes and teaching herself. "Unless anyone knows an abandoned classroom or anything like halfway between." She certainly didn't, although she occasionally wondered about the secret passages that had been around ages ago. Most of them had been collapsed, though, that she knew of. Not to mention she didn't think they wanted to wait for exploration before they had their official meeting.
__________________ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees 
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥ ♥ ♥ |