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Old 10-15-2010, 05:06 AM   #8 (permalink)
DH Vixen

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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Amongst Magic
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara Gwendolyn Monroe
Sixth Year

Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie

Sylvie looked up as she heard the first student come in. It was early, but it was a good sign for sure. Setting the book down, she walked up toward the front.
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass View Post
Freya walked towards the History Of Magic classroom. She pushed the door opened and saw the class still empty. She's the first student who gets here?Weird. She noticed that the desks are pushed back slightly to the outskirts of the room. She saw Professor Welton thumbing through a small book "Hello Professor." she greeted her Professor. She looked at the blackboard it said that she could took a seat at a desk or on the floor. She thought for a moment. Hmm..The floor sounds more comfy. She took a seat on the floor and made herself comfortable.
"Hello Freya." she smiled. First student and it was a Slytherin. Yes it was going to be a good lesson.
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Ready for another class in history, Simon entered the classroom surprised to find himself only the second arrival. Guess I'm early, he mused before noticing the professor. "Good morning Professor," he greeted quietly so as not to disturb her too much from whatever she was reading. Taking in the room's layout, he moved to take a seat on the floor as well, figuring to be closer to the front.
"Morning Simon," she replied. Yay, another student!
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Time for another History of Magic lesson. Woo hoo.

Carter walked in the classroom. He saw that there were pillows all over the floor. This could only mean one thing - the lesson was going to be brilliant. It was a known fact after all. The best lessons happened while sitting on the floor.

"Hello Professor." he said spotting the Professor flipping through a book. Hopefully he wasn't interrupting.

He then walked the rest of the way into the classroom and plopped down on the pillow. Comfy. He was enjoying the class already.
And another student! "Hello Carter," she smiled. Pillows were definitely a great idea!
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Aw yes, the disgusting grilled cheese class. Hopefully it didn't still smell like it.

Heaving a tired sigh, Evelyn slumped her way into the room, rubbing her tired eyes before letting out a long breath. Right. Tired in the most tired of all classes. Fantastic.

...Omg, fantastic! Pillows!

Finally a small smile appeared on her face as she took one near the side of the room and scooted it closer to the wall. Pshh, yea. Might as well right? Just about to greet the professor, the Slytherin noticed she was, rather busy. Whatevs. She was too tired to talk anyways yet.

Mwahaha! Pillow. Comfy. Professor Welton wouldn't mind if she closed her eyes for a few moments right?

Too late.
Looking up, Sylvie shook her head and laughed softly to herself. She figured someone would attempt to nap, but she would allow it for now.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Ellie walked into History of Magic. She hoped that it would be quite as exciting as last time. After all, these lessons have to measure up to Lainey's. And maybe they'll get to eat again! There WERE plates there, after all. "Hey Professor!" the girl waved. Then she looked about the classroom. Pillows and cushions!!! The thirteen year old ran to snag one. Hah.
"Hi Ellie," she smiled and returned the wave. Yes, another one happy with the pillows. Definitely a good idea.

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Ah sweet. A class Fletcher was sorta good at, despite its boring factor. (No offense, professor. ;0)

After strolling into class, Fletcher paused just inside the doorway and took a good long glance around the room. He nodded to the professor and then made his way to the squishy-looking cushions on the floor. He belly flopped onto one, stretched his long legs out and stared up at the professor and the empty plates nearby. OOH were they getting FOOD today?!?!

"Sup, prooooofessa," he greeted Prof. Welton, squirming around on his cushion til he got a bit more comfortable. "What are the plates for?"
Bouncing on her heels slightly with a small smile on her lips, she nodded back to the young champion. Everyone was liking the pillows and that was very good.

"Not much, Fletcher," she shrugged and tapped her fingers atop the table. "Treats."
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