Hello Emily. I don't understamd why this would be your least favorite chapter. It's very well written, and I don't see any reason at all for any chapter to be less favorable than any others. You've done a tremendous piece of work writing this ff so far, and I'm sure the rest is going to be just as great.
“You don’t understand, Carlisle; these aren’t stab wounds like last time. Nothing can heal him except more magic. I need my book.” Emily glanced behind her but Alice was already gone. She appeared not even a second later, extending Emily’s book to Emily.
That Alice is a handy one isn't she?
“I, er, need a favor. Can someone get in contact with George? Let him know he’s needed here. I need his help. I need him,”

There's the ticket.
“I thought this guy was a douche or something,” commented Emmett.

I would never have thought of that as a description of Draco.
She looked up and immediately started running.

I hope this means what I think it means.
Super post Emily. I'll be watching for your next.