Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Curls. He grinned. He hadn't heard that nickname in A LONG time. Except Curly in flying but it didn't sound so sweet when it came out a lad's mouth. A lad who was about to collide with you at speed. Oliver was still kinda sore from the incident. A nice bubble bath oughta help undo a few knots as well as warm him up.
He pulled off his muddy shoes.. and the rest, leaving on his swimming shorts which he'd worn originally because he was thinking about going for a dip in the lake. But the water, rather predictably considering it was February, was icy cold. “I.. um..” He dipped a toe in the water, drawing it back quickly. It seemed mega hot after being chilled through. “I saw a merperson.” He sat on the side of the bath and dangled his legs in the water, watching the water darken around them as the mud mixed with it. “I was leaning over, trying to get a better look and I fell... like into the shallow muddy water.” He pushed himself right into the water and eyed the bubbles. “Smells nice.” He mumbled, closing his eyes as the water began to do it work and warm him. “Hmm..” This was nice. Why hadn't he come up here more often?
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