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Jack was hoping that, on coming down to the stands for the second task, he would be able to actually see what was going on, since last time he couldn't see a bloody thing and it had rather angered him, causing him to be quite rude towards one or two firsty years.
Not only that, but he felt a bit more oblidged to spectate, considering he had found out only a few days a go that one of the champions was indeed his long lost twin. Hmm. Strange term it was becoming. And, because this twin was in danger once again, it was more suited and kind of him to cheer his brother on.
And he wouldn't get angry this time, even if he couldn't see again! What was it with this tournament and not being able to see anything? What was the fun in watching?
Lazily, the lad turned his head and saw.....
Fletch?.... No way, Fletcher is supposed to be in the maze fighting for Hogwarts' honor and glory right now! He narrowed his eyes and walked on over to the doppleganger, raising a thoughtful finger
"Ok..... I'm guessing you're not my buddy Fletcher.... because if you are I am tackling you to the ground and calling you a big chicken for the entire school to hear." And he meant it, because he had vested interest to make sure Fletcher competes-- and completes-- his duty as one of Hogwarts Champions. He looked the lad over and thought
Eh....a fellow Slyth? "Who are you?"