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Old 10-12-2010, 02:32 PM
AmbiguouslyMe AmbiguouslyMe is offline
Default Transfiguration Lesson I, Part One : Staying Warm

Today, the desks and chairs are lined up along the perimeter of the room, leaving the center wide open. Professor Kingsley stands at the front of the room next to the chalkboard.

The board reads as follows:

On a piece of parchment please write the following:

House and Year
An example of a practical use of transfiguration

Please note: The announcement on your noticeboard asked you to bring a scarf. If you forgot, not to worry. If you did bring it, please leave it on your desk.

Lesson spell summary:

Vestis - transfigures item into blanket/shawl/square piece of fabric. Use Vestis Vellus for wool, cotone for cotton or letrom for leather.
Wand movement: curly-q
Escarpa - transfigures item into scarf, same modifiers apply
Wand movement: draw a simple line, top to bottom
Caput - transfigures item into hat, same modifiers apply
Wand movement: small circular flick
Manus - transfigures item into mittens/gloves, same modifiers apply
Wand movement: small circular flick
Focalia - conjure firewood
Wand movement: 'x'