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At least the potion was still active, as Grayson knew if it hadn't've been, she'd be pretty much massively panicked right now. Since of course her attempt at hitting the railing with her Finite had failed miserably, with the speed she'd been moving at. Not to mention the fact now she was sailing through midair. Which was kinda like flying, and she really didn't like flying. Even more now, and Salander's cheering for her had still oddly made her keep giggling. Even as she tried to warn him to move. Only to soar over his head as he actually did, which made things even worse. The fact she was still glowing an awesome raspberry color was cool though. Through the fun glowy energy potion-ness in her, there was a tiny voice that wondered if maybe Torin hadn't had a point last term when he'd talked her down from doing this. But at least it was fun, and she started trying to figure out if she wanted to brace for impact or see if relaxing would help her avoid too massive an injury. Or twelve, as that wall was coming awfully fast.
But then she heard Salander again. Casting a spell, and she turned her glowy!raspberry head to look at him. Maybe there was still hope, although another odd giggle escaped her in her confusion over his choice of spell. Maybe it was the potion, but something didn't seem quite right with that. Although levitating might be better than the uncontrolled soaring toward the wall. And then she heard a whosh, and turned back to see a giant painting flying toward her. Interesting, she thought, studying the blank canvas for a second before it hit. Then breaking into another bout of giggles as she slammed into it and went halfway through. At least it seemed the giggles had relaxed her a bit, as that didn't hurt quite as bad as it could have. Ooh, and that wasn't a very good noise, as the frame started scraping against the floor. She was slowing down finally though, and a final giggle burst from her as the frame tilted to hit the wall.
Now to figure out how to get out of here. Twisting her head around, she glanced down, then tried bracing her feet against the wall and pushing. Reaching down to hopefully break her fall, but it only half worked as she fell in an ungainly yet small heap onto the floor in front of the painting. She was definitely gonna have a few bruises tomorrow, but at least she thought nothing was broken. Boosting herself back up, she grinned at Salander. "That was fun," she said animatedly, forgetting her near-panic as she headed over to him and bounced up to give him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks for trying to keep me from splatting against the wall." That weird anti-glowyness he had going on was fascinating. Totally contrasted with her awesome raspberry-ness, although something told her the potion might be wearing off soon. Then she turned back to the poor painting. "Maybe we should do something. Fix it, y'know?"
Pointing her wand at it, which had thankfully not gotten damaged in her earlier collapse to the floor since it had still been in her hand, she said "Reparo." And the hole sort of fixed itself, although she imagined if someone looked really close it would probably be evident that there had been damage. It was the best she could do, though. Now they just had to figure out how to get it back onto the wall, and as she tried remembering that, the glowy faded. Awwwwww, she pouted. Now she really had to get things back to normal.
Salander stood snickering like a certain dastardly mutt as Grayson plus portrait skidded to a stop onto the far wall. As the Ravenclaw attempted to pluck herself off the canvass, it didn’t occur to him to reach out and help until the last second
“Oh, need help getting down from ther--”
... Well, apparently not.
He struggled to swallow the guffaw that threatened to burst out at the sight of Grayson in a heap on the floor. But the Ravenclaw gal seemed the hardy sprite, bouncing up like nothing happened. He drew near her, checking to make sure if she was ok at least
"Oh yeah, most excellently fun!" he chuckled in agreement. The peck on the cheek took him off guard, and the lad started to blush
“Aww shucks Grayson, it was nuthin’” the lad grinned sheepishly when she thanked him, relieved that his cosmic darkness was hiding the shade of crimson just lighter than his ear. But as his luck would have it, the potion decided to quit on him just then, his phantom glow conking out like a neon bulb. Oops.
He stared back at the damaged portrait dumbfounded.
"Sure why not?" he replied confidently as he raised his wand, then stopped short to let Grayson do the fixing. Salander had absolutely no clue how to fix
anything with magic. Or maybe even without magic that wouldnt involve a nail gun and duct tape. He looked closely at the repaired portrait
"Good job!" he said approvingly, giving her the thumbs up. To him it
was a good job, the hole aint there anymore aint it? Who cares if it kinda looks like theres a peculiarly faint spider web like flaw on the portrait?
Although... the portrait people might say something and start whining about it.
"Erm, you know what lets just put this back in and get outta here." he muttered, as he levitated the portrait, slamming it onto its neighbors a few times before finally being able to settle it back onto its original position. And amidst the cacophony of angry portrait subjects, Salander grabbed Grayson's hand and scrammed from the staircase.