Among a Pile of Books & Soccer Balls
Well, you know how this cute odd and overly clingy couple started: They met at the ice cream parlor shop in Diagon Alley and since then, no one has seen them apart, except during summers...and one in particular, which after some disagreements caused a break up. That time apart actually made them realize they loved each other and after all and deciding to stay the rest of their lives together. And so they tried. Drew, since he was a year older graduated a year before Annie, he went to Muggle college to study Business and well, the rest is to be told along this FF. Annie, made her dream come true, to be part of the Spanish National Soccer Team and playing in many championship games. Who would tell that a dreamer would go so far?
So, this is how it all works:
Jake (stan lanevski) and I (Yaya) will be posting on this thread of moments between them. Some might be sad, some might be too weird. LOL. But we hope you enjoy reading it, and give us your sincere comments and maybe ideas on what to write next. We'd love to get some brainstorming.
And MHMM. So...as a tradition, we must
all thank J.K. Rowling for the creativeness she brought into our lives, the world each day we enjoy and what comes ahead.
Let's get with our first post, by me.
Ooh, and I'll be listing the chapters of this FF in here along with the link. So...
1. I Can Hear the Bells
I Can Hear the Bells
Drew had invited Annie to dinner, for the millionth time after both actually had some time to enjoy together. Of course, who could be bored? Things were perfectly fine, except for two little things: Annie's weekly soccer trainings, and well, Drew's job at the Ministry. Though, they tried to make the space for this dinner in particular, just because it was their anniversary as a couple. Their fourth anniversary. Eeep!
When arriving to the restaurant, the girl could notice everything was prepared for the night. They had a special table at a corner of the place, lit up by candles and the table covers were blue and red, Annie and Andrew's colours, respectively. Drew was elegantly dressed in a black tuxedo, white fine stripped shirt and his lovely smile all the way as they arrived to the restaurant. Annie, wore a slightly pink dress that Lori had chosen for her. Surely, Annie had liked the dress, for some reason and the great help her bestie was to her. iSigh. And also, she was wearing heels, comfortable heels! That was a surprise for Annie, actually to find those things among the many pairs inside a shoe shop. UGH.
So, they both sat down, looked at each other, ordered spaghetti and meatballs, and continued to flirt all through dinner. Until the time came, for when the dessert was asked. Drew asked for a piece of lime pie, while Annie for a piece of chocolate cake. And well, there was this wink between the waiter and Drew that made Annie feel really weirded out. She didn't like to stay in the dark of news. So, she eyed Drew and kept asking what was all that winking for, something the boy didn't spill. The glare came next, then the desserts arrived.
And well, who'd like a chocolate cake? Annie looked at the enormous piece and shrank at the thought of eating it, though Drew encouraged her to get to the center part of it. "Why, baby?" She asked, feeling tummy full at the moment already, which her Drew responded with a smile and a wink. Annie could only give back glares and then a bite from her cake, until there was one that made her tooth bite way too hard. "I think there's a rock inside this thing..." She kind of moaned while trying to only eat the cake and not the rock. But oh surprises, when she felt the thing in her tongue, it was rounded, and it had a rock, actually. She blinked, taking the small cake accessory out of her mouth with a napkin and ready to complain, and then she saw the ring.
It was precious. It was gold. It was shiny and sooo perfect. Annie's eyes glittered and she smiled. "Baby, can you explain this?" She asked, still shocked and not being able to think clearly. Drew took the ring, and Annie's right hand, and slowly sat down, one knee to the floor and with all the volume his voice could let him, he said..."Anna Maria Robles, would you be my wife?" His smile was perfect, he was trembling nervous, and there was nothing Annie could say no to. "I'd love to..." She whispered, letting out a couple of tears and nodding, while Drew placed the still chocolate icing covered ring on Annie's finger.