♥My Very 1st Tag | ~Filofax:Forever~ | ~Evil Slythie~ | Chris' Caretaker♥ XXXV. Headmaster (43)
"...know that it was meant to hurt you. But that doesn't give you the right to attack a fellow student. Do you understand?" The headmaster was speaking to Frida in stern, but still kind words.
Frida nodded her head, she was still fairly wet from what had happened at the lake. Her eyes were bright red as though she had been crying, "I understand."
The headmaster nodded and stood up from behind his desk, "I expect you to visit Mister Perry in the hospital wing."
"Yes, sir." She would visit, but wouldn't apologize. 'He got what was coming to him.'
Last edited by EquestrianGal88; 10-11-2010 at 01:48 PM.
Reason: Fixing numbers