♥My Very 1st Tag | ~Filofax:Forever~ | ~Evil Slythie~ | Chris' Caretaker♥ XXXIV. Egg On (55)
"She won't do it, she's too chicken." *BuckAW* A male classmate was standing on the large swimming boulder in the lake, shouting at the people on shore. One in particular....
"Frida! Come ON!"
The sixth year girl looked up from her book and shook her head. "I'd rather not, thank you."
"You're no fun!" He dived off and splashed into the water, though he resurfaced rather quickly. "Guess it's better you aren't as brave as your brother. Didn't turn out too well for him did it?"
That was it. Frida threw her book down and charged towards the lake, wand drawn.
Last edited by EquestrianGal88; 10-11-2010 at 01:48 PM.