Thread: Task Two Stands
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Old 10-11-2010, 11:16 AM   #157 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nixy! View Post
"Oh... I thought that maybe you would have." She said, glancing to the small girl. Greeeeeeeeat. Leilani thought something was going on between Jimbo and herself, didn't she?

GAH. Well...

There wasn't. Nope. They were just friends. Even if Jimbo did.. uh, well... l i k e Iris. You can't help those things. They just happen.

Iris slouched in her seat a little bit, and sighed. "Y'know, they really should have gone all 'Big Brother' with this thing. With magical cameras floating around the champions. So we could actually watch the action." But no. Tate didn't think like that. Did he just want his students to be BORED whilst waiting for people to immerge?!
Mneh. *cough* 'Kay she jumped to conclusions a bit quick on that one.

"Oh. Nah, I haven't seen him." Hmm, where was he? Probobly like, eating or doing something else Jimbo's do. Which waaaas... what again? Pranks, eating, harrassing small children. Yup, they should all be afraid.

LOL "That would be so cool! You should put in a request that they do that for the next one." Wait, there were three tasks right?! ... Yes there were. Huh. Well plus, with Monty being Prefect and all people would actually listen to her.

Yup, that would have been awesome. Buuut it wasn't.

Originally Posted by neaped View Post
Hugo looked up at the wayy older girl. "Oh hai," he smiled. "Thanks," he said looking back at his book. Quidditch through the ages. Yup, he wanted to make the team later. Then, a second older girl ran up to them.

"I'm Hugo," he said a bit hesitant. Suddenly they were treating him like he was a cute baby. LOL! He was already... eleven...

Leilani smiled. "Hello Hugo, my name's Leilani." Aww, wasn't he just adorable with his book and stuff. She had to fight the urge to mess up his hair. Heh, she did that to Jimbo sometimes...

And again with the Jimbo thing. WHERE WAS HE?
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