Thread: Task Two Stands
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Old 10-11-2010, 12:39 AM   #144 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Originally Posted by Nixy! View Post
Iris looked away from the very quiet first year when she saw a shade of blue find a seat a little while away from her. And it wasn't a Ravenclaw blue. Smirking, she was completely unsuprised to see that it was Evan sporting that not-very-sexy Chelsea scarf.

Grinning as he waved to her, Iris waved back. Then she made a 'c'mover here you fool!' motion with her hand. Just as she was about to yell over to him though, someone yelled over to her.

Spinning her head round after hearing the name "Monty", Iris expected to see Jimbo. She didn't acknowledge that it was a girl's voice, though. When she saw that it was Leilani, Iris frowned a TEENSY bit, but then grinned brightly.

Sure, Leilani wasn't Jimbo... but she was just as crazy. Only concentrated. " 'LAAAANI!" The prefect waved back, and grinned at her when she came over and sat next to her. "Have you seen Jimbo?" She was expecting him to be here already, sat with a GIANT banner that flashed between green and pink, with 'GO RAIDEN!' written on it. But no, he wasn't here at all.

As Leilani spoke to the really quiet first year, Iris shrugged. She didn't know who the boy was. He hadn't spoke to her.

Leilani pulled her scarf tighter around her neck and shook her head.

"Nope. Sorry." Heh. That's right, Monty and Jimbo were like... you know what, nevermind. She wasn't going to discuss it, not even with herself in her little teeny messed up brain.

yes, I am aware of the fact that you are still here
shut up.

She glanced up at Iris' banner before smirking slightly. Okay, so yes Raiden was in Slytherin and he was their prefect-- but she was still rooting for Fletcher.

Man, Running away from a crazy shopkeeper lady in Diagon Alley can really change a person. However-- Lani highly doubted that he remembered that little incident at all...
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