Originally Posted by
Ivy Nienna
Giggling at Arya's comment on her hair, Ivory reached over and tugged a strand of hers. [b]"I like yours too
Having been completely engrossed in the Task, Ivory came out of her reverie and turned back to her companions which is when she noticed there was actually another girl sitting on Treyen's other side. "Oh wow I'm so sorry where are my manners. Hi, I'm Ivy." Smiling cheerily, she tried to tune back into the conversation. "What are we talking about?"
He was sitting amongst Raiden's supporters, that had to be a difficult task, right? Actually, he didn't consider the option in which Fletcher wouldn't take part on any other task. He was thinking about that at the moment...in case that happened, then he'll be most likely to support Raiden as well.
Soooo, truth be told, they were all supporting Raiden either way.
But at the moment, only Fletcher.
Oh, his manners!
"Right. Ellie, Ivy, Ivy, Ellie" grin. He knew her name now. Thanks to Arya, of course.
"Umm, skating, and fun stuff...not the Tournament at all" and then Treyen sort of laughed, because it seemed rather strange to be talking about things that weren't particularly related to whatever the Champions were facing in the maze. Unless it did include a skateboard or doing some rollerskating.
Treyen doubted it.