Originally Posted by
Meh Reh
Oh, clumsy people everywhere. Which is why Rhydin stayed back in the shadows for most of it. He snickered slightly, with a smirk on his face, but didn't say anything.
Fourth floor never ceased to have action for some reason or another. Which is why if he sat by one of the passageways, he got to see everything. Bonus! He adjusted his button up shirt under his sweater so he was more comfortable. The draft from a nearby window also helped to keep him cool temperature wise. Sometimes this castle was just too warm.
Wonder what'll happen, he thought. Best to stay out of sight...
For now. Until one of them notices him. Quote:
Originally Posted by
Jayce strolled down the fourth floor corridor, feeling rather bored, and still missing his puppy dearly. Why'd she have to be so big? Why was she forbidden to come to Hogwarts. Grr. Stupid rules. Buuut. Rules were made to be broken yes? Yes. As he was walking, and plotting about his plan for bringing Opal back to Hogwarts, the boy had completely forgotten to pay attention to where he was going. When..
He walked into someone. Uh-oh. "Errr. I'm sorry." the gryffindor said quickly. ZOMG. Fear of statues buddy! "Hey, you're Callie, right?" he asked her curiously. Oh, how he would never forget that day.
Callie was just standing, minding her own business as she usually did, well no she didn't she liked being nosey in other peoples business but yeah at the moment she was minidng her own business when someone walked into her. She rolled her eyes looking at the person and shaking her head. People really needed to learn to look where they were going, Everyone seemed to walk into her and it wasn't as if she was invisible. She was too pretty to be invisible, so she liked to think *eyeroll.*
She looked at the person who'd just walked into her properly and smiled.
"Yeah I am. And your the guy whos scared of statues." she said with a small smirk, and then she heard a quiet snicker. A very quiet snicker, it couldn't of possible been Jayce, if that was his name because he was next to her and it was too quite to be someone standing that close to her. She looked around before spotting a person, a boy to be more presice sitting by one of the passsages.
"Having fun down there ?" She yelled before standing back up, and shrugging her shoulders.