Originally Posted by
Freds_caribbeangirl She could hear the man's voice going on and on about muggle stuff to his friends. But she was adamant on the fact that she knew muggle stuff too, though she didn't really,but meh. Spending a week in muggle new york with Torin must count for something right?
Her hand went to her hair again, not to make it foofey, but to spin a few strands around her finger. The more the man went on,the more she feltlike he was right and she was wrong but she really just had to know for sure. Surely Noel knew stuff about the muggle world. She would just have to see, hopefully he did.
Yess! Score...oh wait,was his not that much,as much as she did or was it enough for her to get the information that she needed? She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him.
"How much do you know about cars and automoreviles?(automobiles)" She lowered her voice as though she was telling a very important secret. She pointed to the man across the room.
"That man doesn't believe that there are muggle cars called ferrets (Ferrari)" She frowned as she looked across the room at him.
Once she asked her question, Noel’s eyebrows matched hers, raised up yet more in surprise than anything. How much did he know about cars? Not much, that was for sure.
"I know zat zey are called cars, but zat’s pretty much it." Other then they looked and sounded pretty dangerous. He chuckled, taking another sip of the warm butterbeer and feeling it trickle down his throat, warming him up some more. He should have this warmed more often. Well, at least during the times he drank it, which wasn’t all that often to begin with.
Oh, there were cars called ferrets?
"I didn’t know zat." He replied, raising a brow and looking over to the man Rhea pointed at.
"Do zey look like ferrets too?" The ones he saw didn’t. Maybe it was a new kind of car. Just made and such.