This is intened to be the first in a series of Harry Potter stories, all set in an alternate universe for the Tale of the Broken, which will, of course be updated soon
So sit back, relax, and have fun reading!
Snaketail slowly concentrated, speaking words ofthe dark spell. Anytime now, his plan would enact..... But then, he heard the words "Reducto!"
He looked over at Serpens, his skin still slightly pale, but the red gone from his icy blue eyes. Snaketail tried to react, but he was paralyzed. The blue energy collided with him, and he flew through the burning hallway, until he went through a burning door.
Snaketails world ended in pain.
I was shooting spells left and right; my reductor curse hit Cursebane, who fell; Ginnies Bat Bogey Hex hit Constell right in the face. He floated up into the air, his face covered with bats, which made me laugh. Suddenly, lightning, green lightning, mind you, rumbled in the distance. The Darked dissapeared in masses of red and green comets, flying away. I sighed, holding my arm, which had fallen victim to a Diffindo Curse. I quickly conjured bandages, sighing. Hermione ran out; there was a small curve to her belly, so I had made sure she stayed inside, protecting students as Death Eaters were kept outside. I hugged her.
"Hermione, everything is perfectly fine, we were never in trouble, honey." I said soothingly in response to Hermiones tears.
"I was so worried...." She said, then saw the bandage. "Oh, Ron, are you ok?" She asked urgently.
"Don't worry, I'm fine....." I said.
Harry came to us, followed by Ginny.
"Ron, this is urgent." Harry said. "Dumbledore was talking to us....... A curse. Snaketail left a curse. The Rites of Darkness, Ron. The ones that killed Merlin. Ron, its set for everyone. Everyone we know." Harry said. Hermione gasped, and my jaw dropped.
"Is there a countercurse?" I asked.
"There is one..." Spoke Hermione, her voice slightly cracked from crying. "The one Merlin searched for. The Book of Forever."
Well, first chapter done! Yayyyyyy....