You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me 2 months later:
Sarah picked her head up, got up, and kept walking. She had been searching for 2 months now for Freya, and she was bloody well gonna keep going. She looked at Snape's old house and a saw a glimmer of a candle. 'No, they couldn't be...' she said. She quietly opened the door, and snuck in, peering round, so they couldn't see her. She say Freya, chained up, and a bunch of masked men. She burst in, having always dealt with conflict straight on. They surrounded her in a circle. 'STUPEFY!' they all yelled, and she ducked, so they were all hit by each other's spells. 'Oldest Trick in the book, yet they still fell for it.' Sarah said simply, as she ran over to Freya. She broke the chains. Putting her arm round Freya, she hauled her up, and together really slowly, they got out. 'Why is it always you or Harry that saves the day?' asked Freya. 'I've asked myself that question so many times. Now, I've just learned to go along with it.' replied Sarah. She studied Freya, and decided that is she tried to aparate, then Freya might just collapse. So it looked like they were walking. They walked and walked. 'Sarah, I just don't think I can go on.' whispered Freya. 'Well then, looks like I'm carrying you.' said Sarah, hauling Freya into a piggy back. She kept going. It took them a few days. Eventually they saw a familiar house. 'We're almost home Freya. We're nearly there.' whispered Sarah, She had not stopped for those days, knowing the longer they took, the more time they were separated from their fathers. Lupin's home got closer. 'Dad.' whispered Freya. Sarah was aching and she did not know how much longer she could go on for. They reached the gate, and it was then Sarah's legs collapsed and they fell to the ground. The last thing that went through Sarah's head was the sound of pounding footsteps....
Sarah awoke, lying on a sofa it seemed to feel like. She opened her eyes. She was in Lupin's home, on the sofa. She saw Freya opposite. Lupin came in. He saw they were awake. He sat at Sarah's feet. 'I cannot thank you enough.' he said. 'For all you've done. Freya told me everything that happened when you found her.' 'Don't thank me. She's my god-sister, I was going to get her back regardless.' whispered Sarah.
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