Thread: Charms Lesson 2
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Old 10-09-2010, 07:34 PM   #288 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good

The Boggart transformed into Lara’s biggest fears!! It’s A MOUSE! Oh they weren’t kidding when they said that the Boggart embodies the person’s fear!
However Lara had to react what was the incantation ? she was just practicing… what happened?!?! she has totally forgotten it.. But she needed to remember it! she had to.
Lara was trying to concentrate to remember the incantation …. What was it? It starts with R.
Come on she was just about to remember it…..yeh it was R-R-R-Rid, but the Mouse made a sudden movement it was moving and shaking its hands horribly. Lara couldn’t forget the day she found the mouse in her shoe it was terrible. Sadly she was about to gave up and call for the Professor to deal with the Boggart while she go and hide somewhere , BUT wait yes IT IS A BOGGART it’s not real , it’s not the mean mouse that squashed in her shoe and bit her finger!!
Lara’s spirit was high now ,she couldn’t be better ,she eyed the mouse and said loudly ”You’re not gonna get me! I’m a strong Slyterin girl” She repeated loudly .
At that precise moment she remembered the spell it was Riddikulus!
Lara raised her wand aimed it at the Boggart, strengthen herself up, she smirked at the mean mouse and shouted with all her might “Riddikulus!!!” Yeh she did it! it was even better than practicing!!
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