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Old 10-09-2010, 01:20 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 2,689
Default Lavender Brown Dates Gregory Goyle - Sa13+
It's perfectly okay to be a little loony ♥

Hi, Ariana here and this is my first fan fiction story on SnitchSeeker. I do not own the Harry Potter universe - it belongs to J.K. Rowling. Enjoy!


"So...Gregory...Thank you for asking me out."
Goyle grunted. "Yeah, whatever."
Lavender twiddled a strand of hair between two fingers. "Ok. So, um, what's your favourite colour?"
Goyle groaned inwardly. Would she ever stop talking? "Black." He replied deeply.
Lavender grinned. "Ooh! Gothic! Black would bring out your eyes, really good. So, why do you like black?"
Goyle scrunched up his face. "I hate black."
Lavender was confused. "But you just said it was your favourite colour..." She said slowly.
Goyle rolled his eyes. "Well, it is. I just hate every other colour more."
Lavender laughed thinking it a joke. Goyle waited impatiently for her to stop.
"So you're in fifth year too? Hufflepuff, right?"
"Slytherin!" Barked Goyle. "And yeah I'm fifth year."

Lavender smiled waiting for him to talk. He was the one who had asked her out on their next trip to Hogsmeade. They sat there, sipping their butterbeers silently. She got up and sat beside him. "I'm c-cold." she pouted.

Goyle edged away from her. "You should have brought a jacket then." he snapped insensitively.
Lavender scowled but tried again. "Well, um...let's go for a walk, er, I'm not cold anymore."

Goyle nodded gruffly and started to wonder was it possible for her to get through a sentence with out any 'um' or 'er'. They strolled along Hogsmeade's streets. Draco Malfoy and Vincent Crabbe suddenly came out of the shop and crashed in to Lavender, knocking her over in to the snow.

"Watch where you're going you damned idiot!" Snapped Malfoy. Then looking up he saw Goyle. "I mean, sorry, my mistake." He and Crabbe scurried away, sniggering. Lavender composed herself. "Please help me up, Gregory. I need help."

Goyle sighed. He stood beside her and gripped her right arm tightly and yanked her to her feet. She ignored the pain and decided it was now or never. She stood on her tip-toes, clutched Goyle's collar and kissed his mouth. His breath was salty and his lips tasted like saffron and paprika. Lavender gently pulled away but he pulled her back kissing her back. They stood there for a few minutes.

Then a snowball hit Lavender's head. It was Pansy Parkinson who had thrown it. "Get out of here, you!" shouted Goyle. Pansy gasped and sprinted the other way.

Goyle and Lavender spent the remainder of the afternoon near the Shrieking Shack, snogging and talking. As it was time to go, Goyle looked as if he just remembered something. "Er...Lauren..."
"Yeah, are you in any clubs?"
Lavender shook her head. She didn't know what he meant.
"Any, armies?"
Lavender giggled. "I'm a student, Greg, not a soldier."
Lavendar kissed his cheek and ran off to Parvati Patil, who was now trembling with eagerness for gossip.

By the time they were at the castle, Lavender and Parvati had come to a conclusion. Goyle was using Lavender to try and get information on the D.A. Lavender was hurt and before the houses split she marched up to Goyle and slapped his jaw. He called her name as she walked away but she just bit her lip untill it bled. She knew that blood was better than tears.

Last edited by demented_death_eater; 11-28-2010 at 08:11 PM.
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