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"Atleast your honest." she replied. Giggling at his goofy grin. Honest, one thing Callie wasn't fond of. She didn't tell lies though, she told truths with missed details. Or that was how Callie liked to think of her lies. Callie turned just as James did so they weren't facing the tree. But Whatif it could move and then it moved and then attacked 'em. "Um...James. Im..um..Scared..sorta."
"So could It like kill me if I went and threw rocks at it ?" she was too young and pretty to die. "Oooh. So if you went and threw rocks and it and then I went and threw rocks at it...I'd have more chance of being injured by it than you would ?" She wasn't gonna test that theory.
She listened to James' story. People seemed to like telling stories round here. "So you were like home alone ?" Eeep. Actually, the thought of being home alone with no parents sounded fun. "My parents travelled alot too. I dunno what they do, but I travelled with them. All round America and then I moved in with my brother and came here." ..Story of her life, not that it was too interesting. Fireworks ? tehe. They were pretteh and colourful.
"Emphasis on the yet."
"Haha. Sure." Honest? Misleading more than honest. Jimmy knew he was smart, he just preferred people not knowing so they wouldn't heap all those expectations on him. He preferred just scraping by, not having to get high grades, or do well at things because people knew or thought he should or could. That way too, it was a surprise when he could be bothered with things, and then he could just shrug it off and blame it on luck.
"Scared? Aww don't be scared, Callie.I got your back." True. He patted her back for emphasis.
"I dunno how likely that is." He thought about her question. "If it happened to knock a rock back at you, and it just happened to hit you right here," He gently brushed the hair away from her temple, "Then it might kill you. But its REALLY unlikely. Its a tree, not a beater. I bet its aim is crap." He looked over his shoulder at the tree and flipped it off again. Pshhh. The tree was old anyway. Senile tree.
"Really, anyone who is stupid enough to throw rocks at a tree, or stand nearby someone who is throwing rocks is more likely to die than someone who isn't. But again, chances aren't that high, so it depends on if you like a little danger." Why. Would. You. Throw. Rocks. At. A. Tree?
"Nahhh. Had a tutor. And we had a cook and a gardener too. But you know, they just did their jobs and whatever. But pretty much could do what I wanted." He listened as she explained about her parents. "Did you like travelling with them?" Man. He got bored when he traveled with his parents. While they spoiled him and he got away with a lot. There was an awful lot of sitting down and shutting up. Not his bag.
"Haha yeah? You expect I'll land myself a detention at some point?"