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Emmaleigh gave the girl a smile. She seemed really nice, and didn't seem to mind that they were younger than her. But she did look at Michael funny, But not in a bad way. "It's nice to m-meet you Melanie, I'm E-emmaleigh Swynford."
"Ok , but I need a g-glove too," So Emmaleigh followed her to the box, and as soon as Melanie was done digging around in it, Em stepped up to find a glove. Of corse she needed a smaller one, but it didn't matter to her if she used a left or right handed glove. The first one she came across was right handed, so she went with that one. "So, I g-guess were just playing c-catch. Maybe we should head over h-here out of the way." And she headed away from the crowd.
"Nice to meet you too, Emmaleigh." Melanie smiled back at her, tossing the baseball absentmindedly up and down in her hand. She stood to the side when the younger girl got her glove from the trunk, nodding slightly to show she'd heard her when she told her she needed a glove too.
She followed her away from the trunk.
"Yeah, sure." she agreed, walking about 15 feet further out than her fellow 'Puff. Melanie figured that would be a good distance to start at... and if it wasn't, they could always change position later.
"Ready?" she asked cautiously, getting poised to throw the ball.