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Evelyn had been silent throughout the answers, since her mind was elsewhere. Was was her greatest fear? She knew she had many fears, some of which were kept a secret and others known by people, but what was her greatest fear? They all seemed pretty equal to her.
Frowning, her eyes flickered back over to the professor as she said they all will have a turn to face the boggart. It was too bad Evelyn herself couldn't have been fearless. Wouldn't that just be nice. Maybe she could go last in line, and then everyone would take too long and she wouldn't have to face it. Yes, she was chickening out, but for a good reason! Who wanted to go up against their greatest fear?!
Strong mind and good concentration she had but, meh. Glancing towards the girl that said something about this class being FUN, Evelyn frowned before turning the other way and looking at Destiny.
... "Riddikulus." she muttered, pointing her wand at her friend. *snicker* "Don't think it works."
Sweet Merlin!
There was an
actual boggart in that desk?
Destiny was tempted to hide, and the creature didn't even emerge yet! She didn't want everyone to see what she was most scared of. What if people laughed at her? Or..what if she was too scared to face it? Pfffft. People were going to laugh at her no matter what she did now.
Pulling out her wand, she glanced up at the board. She could do this..it wasn't like the boggart was even out yet..right?
And Evelyn. She was making this no easier.
"Real funny." she muttered, before pointing her wand at her friend.
"Riddikulus. You look like Grandmum Tole now."
Actually..that was not funny.