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It wasn't like her to wander over to the blue side of the Great hall. In fact, Cameron had SCARS and nightmares about this table and it's occupants.
But she needed somebody cheerful. Somebody that wasn't talking about NEWTS.. or depressed about family like she was. No. She needed somebody without a care in the world. Someone that made her laugh. And who had she spotted?
Jim. Or Jimminy Cricket as she'd nicknamed him.
She slipped into the seat beside him, eyeing the full plate.
"Don't they feed you in Ravenclaw? Books aren't very nutritious, Jim." She'd always had this idea that the Ravenclaw common room was just at the back of the library.. sort of an extention of it. It made sense considering they were all so book smart. Scarily smart.
Jim looked up with his mouth full, blue-green eyes glazed over at the sheer awesomeness that was food. He waved at Cam with a welcoming little flick of his fingers and swallowed.
"Not enough. Need more meal times." Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner was not cutting it. And the fact that Jimmy had grown almost least two inches since he'd started at Hogwarts, was a pretty good indication as to why he was eating so much.
"I'd eat the books if I could." He grinned at her, actually pausing in the very important pastime that was eating in order to do so.
"Hi pretty lady. Did I do something bad? Gonna punish me?" He reached for another sandwich and pretty much inhaled it. Something in his shirt moved, but Jimmy ignored it for now.