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Nymphadoraliz Turning around as he heard a voice asking if he was left handed. "There ye are!" Shaking his head, he knew his partners had been somewhere. He really should get to know more people in the school... he thought to himself.
Stopping tossing the ball up in the air, he goes to throw it, when he looks at the boys glove, bursting out laughing, he shakes his head "Uhh, Treyen...the glove goes on the other hand. Isn't thet a little uncomfortable?" His eyes twinkling in laughter, he goes to help. "Ye want te wear it on the opposite hand thet ye throw with."
Oh, please....please....please, don't say Don't you catch and throw with the same hand... If he did, JD was pretty sure he would be in a fit of giggles. He could just picture it, throwing the ball with the glove on, and both the glove and ball flying off in opposite directions. Just picturing that makes him snort!
There you are? Was JD lost or something?
Oh, what? What is he laughing at? Treyen eyed the glove and couldn't help but laugh too, how silly, then again...Quidditch gloves are too different from this ones. He didn't fully comprehend this gloves.
"Oh, I see" that was something the Professor should be able to say, no? About catching the ball and throwing it again. All that.
"Now it's okay?" he asked, eying the glove and his arm, it seemed alright, like JD had said,
"I take it you've played baseball before?" or the boy has some muggle family, which will mean that he knows it somehow.
But he understood now, he didn't catch Quaffles with the same hand he used to throw if back to Chasers. The strength was not the same.