So, who remembers when I said that a certain family wouldn't make another appearance until everyone forgot about them? Well, that time is here! Oh, and we'll get the answer to a few people's questions...
With all that said, here is the new post!
“Mmmm,” Emily groaned as she groggily woke up. She was surprised that she was waking up period. She thought she had surely died in that forest. Emily felt her bare legs against the soft bed sheets and the comfort of the fluffy bed. Emily opened her eyes slowly and stared up at the ceiling. She tried to sit up, but a hard hand pushed her back down.
“You need to rest,” Alice Cullen sang in her melodic voice.
“Alice?” Emily croaked.
“Yes, it’s me. Emmett and Rosalie found you in the forest bleeding to death. It’s a good thing your blood doesn’t smell tasty to us, or else they would have killed you.” Alice sat down on the edge of Emily’s bed and Emily stared at her.
“But, the bleeding—I was bleeding to death!” “Calm down, you really shouldn’t strain yourself. You were bleeding, but Carlisle found the book in your bag about healing wounds and what not and saw the thing about Dittany, which he also found in your bag. It was lucky we found you and you had that stuff in your bag… Anyway, as soon as the stuff hit your skin, you were healed.”
“Oh, wow, thank you,” she whispered.
“Emily, there’s something else… As soon as Emmett got back with you, we hooked you up to the x-ray machine, and—”
“That’s enough, Alice. I’ll take it over from here,” Carlisle interrupted. Alice looked at him crossly for a second, sighed, and left the room in less than a blink of an eye.
“Dr. Cullen, thank you so much for everything,” Emily said quickly as he checked the machinery.
“It was nothing really,” he said quietly with a smile.
“Nothing? You saved my life!”
“Not really, it was all your things that saved you.”
“Yes, but you’re the one who found them and-and, wait, Alice said there was something more… What did you see on the x-ray machine?” Emily cocked her head to the side.
Carlisle didn’t answer her at first; he just checked her stab wounds where pale pink skin now covered her body.
“Is everything okay with me, Dr. Cullen?” Emily whispered.
“Call me Carlisle, please,” he said with a small chuckle, not meeting her eyes.
“Carlisle, then… Is everything okay?” Emily asked cautiously.
Carlisle met her gaze.
“Emily, did you know that you’re pregnant?” he asked softly.
Emily stared at him as if he were crazy.
“What? No, I’m not—I can’t be preg—there’s no way,” she said through choked whispers. Her eyes looked down at her stomach, which, all of a sudden, seemed much tighter than before. She knew that she had gained a little weight, but she thought it was because she wasn’t exercising like she usually did. But her period, it had been reg—
Wait, when was my last period? She did the mental math in her head. Being on the run, she must have forgotten all about it. But the truth was, she was a few months late. It’s irregular, but not completely unheard of, right? And there was the flu-home sickness that she’s had for months. Of course, that wasn’t normal, but still. Pregnant? Emily’s hands fluttered down to her stomach.
“Are you sure?” she whispered.
Carlisle nodded slowly.
“I took a few tests with your blood while you were asleep…”
“And?” she asked, waiting for him to go on.
“Are you sure you want to know?” Emily nodded so he continued.
“You’re about three and a half months pregnant from what I can tell.” Emily did the mental math in her head. Three and a half months ago roughly meant the last night she spent with George.
“And, er, well, you’re having twins,” he said quietly. Emily gulped as she stared down at her stomach. Her hands cradled the small bulge that she now knew were her babies.
“Are-are you sure?” she whispered.
“I’m positive, Emily, and so are you,” he chuckled. She laughed lightly at his joke and sat up slowly on the bed.
“Are you hungry? Edward’s just finished cooking for Jake and Seth,” Carlisle said. Emily nodded and he helped her hop down from the bed. She was wearing a pair of shorts that must have been either Rosalie’s, Alice’s, or one of the others, because they definitely weren’t hers. Her blue cotton shirt clung loosely to her stomach. She felt her hair and groaned. She grabbed her wand and pointed it at her tangled mess of hair. In seconds it was in loose curls, no knots to account for.
Carlisle led her down the stairs and into the kitchen where quite a few people were talking.
“It’s about time you woke up!” Emmett joked. Emily smiled slightly in return.
“Em, Rose, I don’t know how to thank you,” she said quietly as she looked from Emmett to Rosalie.
“No need, it was our pleasure,” Emmett said with a smile. He crossed the room and gave her a small hug. Rosalie came over and hugged her too.
“Emily! Long time no see,” Seth chuckled as he crossed the room over to her.
“Hey, Seth!” Emily said with a smile. He picked her up and twirled her around, hugging her. He finally let her go and led her to the kitchen table.
“Edward just finished making these; they’re so good,” Seth said as he sat down. Emily sat across from him and Jake and shyly put a few things on her plate. One hand stayed glued to her fork while her other was glued to her stomach. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that she was pregnant, and with twins, no less.
*Okie dokie, so, Sophie figured it out
She wasn't pregnant with A baby, because she was pregnant with two
All things Twilight belong to the lovely Stephanie Meyers, not me
Tell me whatchya think!