Cameron didn't like the school owls, they were dirty and irritating and for the most part, moodier than third year girls that had just lost their boyfriends and she always DREADED visiting the owlery to send a letter because the owls were always in a bad mood.
Perpetually angry owls. That had beaks. And claws.
Clutching a letter, she traipsed into the owlery where all the personal owls were stored, she was going to borrow Lolly's because she was impoverished and couldn't afford her own and Lorealai's was at least patient with the clumsy seventh year. She brought the letter up to the light, fidgety, cold hands smoothing out the creases. It was a relief that the room was empty.
Originally Posted by
On his way out of the owlery after sending his letter, Fletcher had an inkling to swing by the area where one could visit their pet owl. He didn't have one of his own.... yet.... but he was expecting to get a different pet any day now.
The boy strolled into the room and what perfect timing did he have! There it was, it had to be, three owls and one box? All for him.
Rushing over to the package, which did indeed have air holes in it and a certain sniffling coming from within, Fletcher grinned and read the tag. YESSSSS. IT WAS FOR HIM.
"Thanks guys!" Fletcher greeted the owls, eagerly whipping out his wand to get the box open. The sniffling and snorting grew louder upon his approach, and now a certain clawing sound could be heard. "Just a minute, lil guy! Or girl!"
He severed the edges of the box with a simple spell and then... boom, his very own little niffler came tumbling out. The dark, fluffy creature immediately pounced on Fletcher and he fell to the floor on his bum, happily cuddling it. Yayayayayay. He didn't even mind that of course the creature went straight for his watch with his long snout, or that it was still very young-looking and of an unknown gender.
He was just happy to have HIS niffler, at last!
No sooner had she heard the sound, did her eyes find a very large, very obscure creature nuzzling a also, very large and very obscure boy. The boy, she knew, well.. sort of. She knew OF him, she didn't know HIM. Her eyes widened as she stared as he was cuddled by the snuffling animal. It was making an extremely curious noise.
She frowned.
"It's not going to eat your face, is it?"
Lookit. She was being nice and caring.