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Heh. N'aaaaww, mini-me had bever taken CoMC before *pets small chlid*
"I'm sure you'll love it." she told her. "C'mon, meeting the Prffesor will be good for you." she motioned the girl over as she stepped inside the pretty little cottage-thing.
Leilani smiled brightly at Proffesor Saylen as she stepped inside. "Hello Proffesor, my name's Leilani." Yup. Introducing herself felt nessecary. This was one if the new teachers wasn't it? "And this," she said, motioning towards Cass "Would be one of the new firsties."
She'd let Cass state her name and stuff on her own. Seriously, she wasn't going to baby this girl.
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Cass smiled at her...she still didn't know how to address the girl with respect. She was glad she wasn't being babied or anything.
"Hello Professor, I'm Ara Cassandra Prewett, First Year Slytherin."
A girl. With another girl behind her. A younger one by the looks of it.
"Hello Leilani." With no last name.
Maya's eyes wandered over to where the student girl gestured, glancing at her.
"Good day, Ara Prewett." Two names is enough, yes?
And...they were here why? The Mexicana waited, looking at both of them until they would decide to speak again. Hopefully, they would - she didn't have time for a staring competition.
"What...can I help you with?"
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Rhea tried to be discreet but failed miserably. Well duh the bloody bunny was huuuuge. Almost 6 feet. Yeah she had messed up majorly with the whole transfiguration bit. The bunny was not suppose to be this big and he was not suppose to obsessed with dancing. Plus he was stalking her. She had to do something with him. Its not like she could have him hopping around behind her in every class she went to. He would eventually start dancing or something.
She knocked on Professor Saylen's office doorn holding tightly to the bunny who for the first time was not hopping around like crazy. She looked him up and down once more. He was still wearind the slacks and vest. She shook her head slightly at the giant white bunny. Hopefully the professor wouldn't send her in for remedial transfiguration. She sighed and waited.
Oh, allright. Some knocking on the door... Possibly the only knocks this week.
Maya opened the door, only to find herself totally horrified by the sight before her.
"What..." Oh my word. And wait a minute, wasn't that girl the one she had been
talking to by the lake??
But, hold on, the rabbit. What,
"Que paso??" Yeah, what happened indeed. And then she got really upset...
squinting glare upset.
"What did you do?" Ugh, she hated transfiguration!