SPOILER!!: Besties <3
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"Oh okay then", she smiled," i easly worry. I am sorry."
Fee always worried about everything and the most about the people she cared for.
"There will be no change if Hugo and Cass work out. Dont think we are hanging out as two couples then."
" Of course i got some for you guys,too", she smiled widely.
Fee hoped they would like their presents.
"You forgot about presents?", she giggled,"busy with dreaming about Hugo?"
Of course Fee was teasing her a bit. *giggle*
She looked a little sad at Cass.
"Yes, the Katie", she said," i dont know if she still has a crush on him because she is having a crush on two others guys now."
Fee wasnt too pleased by that but it wasnt Edmonds fault.
"He asked me if he could go and i said yes", she explained"i want him to enjoy his holidays and she is his best friend so what can i say? I dont want him to feel like his decisions have to permitted by me."
Originally Posted by
Canoir Greengrass
Freya giggled when heard Cass saying Katie name in a phrase. Then she turned her gaze to Fee
"It's okay but it's not good for your health if you're worried to much Fee" she said smiling.
"Eeeeeppp..Katie really has a lot crushes" she said shaking her head.
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Fee giggled at Freya.
"Not good for my health", she asked," i think i just like to the see people that are important to me happy."
True, she really couldnt stand seeing her friends in a bad mood.
"Yeah she is like totally boy crazy", Fee explained,"when it comes to boys i just cant agree with her."
Originally Posted by
Canoir Greengrass
"Yeah my mom always told me that is not good for your health if you're worried too much. Didn't know what the meaning though." Freya laughed. "Yeah I agree with you. Katie is really nice but when it comes to boys I couldn't said a word about it." she sighed
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"Oh how sweet of your mum", Fee smiled.
Maybe she really shouldnt worry too much. It was just her nauture.
"I dont know why but every guy tats nice to her gets tangled up in some drama", she explained.
Katie was trying much to hard.
Cass smiled and laughed along with her friends as they talked about presents and Katie.
"I bought gifts for you guys of course. I just didn't buy the other girls some." She told them a little sheepishly. Then she turned red and said "No, I was so not dreaming about Hugo! Just reliving our time by the lake." Then she turned to Fee and said "Christmas huh? Katie really is trying hard." Then she sighed heavily and said "I wish she would just stick to one guy."