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Old 10-03-2010, 01:00 PM   #132 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!

Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy View Post
Emmaleigh heard the older Huffie ask for a partner, and not seeing anyone respond to her, she shy said, "You c-can be in our g-group if you like. If it's alright with M-michael." She was pretty sure he wouldn't mind, after all he was the kinda guy that never met a person he didn't like, and every one was his friend. Well, except maybe Sapphie, but that was kinda her fault. Note to self: Ask Mikey about Sapphinelle
Melanie turned to face the smaller girl, a tiny smile breaking across her face. "Of course I'd like to be in your group." she replied, her eyes shifting over to the boy she was referring to. A look of realization dawned on her face as she noticed it was the boy from the common room that got meat to put of Fletcher's injured eye. "If it's okay with both of you." She would be content in a group with younger students. They were probably less likely to injure her than an older one right?

...Also the boy was semi-educated on healing! Yes! She remembered that too!

"I'm Melanie, by the way. Melanie Lockhart." she said, directing her words at both of them.
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post

To get the others' attention back, Jeremy handed the ice back to Kurumi for a moment, got up and clapped his hands loudly. "Listen, people. While we deal with this little incident here-" He nodded towards Trixie on the floor. "-I'd like for you to each take a glove out of this box over there-" Cue vague gesture towards the box from where Kurumi and Cam had got their attire from. "-and one ball per group or pair. Then spread out and just toss the ball back and forth among your group and try to catch it with your gloved hand." And try not to injure yourself or others. One was enough, thank you very much.
She whirled around when the professor started clapping, listening intently to what he was saying. Melanie eyed the girl on the ground once more when the professor mentioned her, eyebrows going up a little bit when she realized she was reaching for a bat. Scarrrry. She wasn't distracted long, though. Melanie caught sight of the box Zookura was taking about and nodded. Sounded simple enough.

"I'll get the ball."
Melanie offered, heading toward the box. Once she reached it, she started rooting around for a glove, looking for a big one that wouldn't squish her fingers.

She wasn't too sure whether she wanted a new glove that wasn't all germy or an older one that was already worn down and would allow her to flex the glove more easily. She knew her dad would tell her to get the older one... so that's what she got. Finally tugging a more worn looking glove from the pile, Melanie worked her hand into it and scooped a baseball out from the bottom of the box.

The girl waved with her glove-free hand, and held up the other to show she had the ball. Yaaay.

Last edited by Lindzers; 10-03-2010 at 01:36 PM.
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