SPOILER!!: proffie luff
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"I don't see how, Mr. Hudson," Di smiled slightly. "Unless you're referring to the inter-connection of fire, air and earth?" Mmmhhmm, yes.
"Fire and air," Di agreed. "You're all correct."
Nowww. Di straightened up. "Let's get on to the practical bit, then." Di reached down, and pulled out a box from under her desk. Opening it, she levitated something on to each student's desk. "There is now a bag full of Jera and Dagaz runes on each of your desks. Hold on to those, because they are going to be your guides."
Thiiin walls began to rise out of the ground, as Di spoke. By the time they had stopped rising, the enclosure had changed - the students could no longer see each other. Di's voice, however, could still be heard. "I hope you can all still hear me.... your task is to find a way out of this enclosure. There are plenty of doors here and the right combination is eventually going to lead you outside, but the only thing that can open the doors is the runes you have been provided."
Di did hope they had paid attention to all that had been discussed.
"Good luck, and keep a lookout for the Whomping Willow!" OOC: Please don't RP the doors. If your character stars looking for a door, a certain secret someone is going to RP the doors popping up. Each door is going to give you a riddle. The answer to the riddle is either Jera, or Dagaz. If you answer correctly, the door is going to open up and let you pass. If not... you get another riddle.
The students might run into each other, or they might not - that is up to you. Just beware of the tree-that-whomps!
There are individual participation points for this task. Minimum of six posts for maximum credit. Have fun! 
Kurumi blinked several times and looked around. She was most definitely alone now and she had no idea what the Whomping Willow was. Or did she? Maybe Heather had mentioned it to her. Shaking these unrelated thought out of her head, Kurumi began slowly walking forward as her violet eyes dashed in all directions. Was this going to be like Arthimancy with numbers popping out at her? She was still having nightmares about 2's and 7's forcing her to dance with them.
Holding her bag of Jera and Dagaz runes close to her chest, she proceeded forward humming softly to herself.