Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Fletcher waited just a moment longer, noting that the hiccups had temporarily stopped, and then he leaned down and carefully brushed his nose against Neptune's. Eskimo kiss! He really liked those now that he had discovered them.
Then he deftly tipped her back up and twirled her around, bringing their dance to a slow stop. "You have been cured, madame," he said, bowing low and giving her hand a chaste kiss.
Neptune's eyes were GINORMOUS BLUE BULGES. Duncan Fletcher had...
... ESKIMO kissed her! Right in the hallway!
And then he got her HAND, TOO?? Oh dear. She fanned her fiery face, but never let her eyes leave him. No telling WHAT he'd do next!
Not to mention how very, very proud he appeared to be of himself. Awwww. "I have been! Awww, Duncan, I owe you again! I'll never be able to repay you with all this debt I'm building." GIGGLE. Yyeeeeeahhhh right. Repay? Uh huh. "Thank you, thank you so much. It was a very .... enjoyable way to cure hiccups." Yes. Yes it was. |