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Old 10-01-2010, 04:37 PM   #1022 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post
You make me laugh!
Like you don't know what I'm thinking!
If you don't post in the next three days, I'm setting Alicia free
Now, that's just pure evil! But, it worked. Here's the new post!

Dumbledore told her many things about her Deluminator. It would take her to the people who may need her help, who were in trouble. She tried the Deluminator every day, but it wouldn’t take her to anything for the next two weeks. She had no idea what it was playing at and was getting even more bored, if that was even possible. Nobody was in need, so it kept taking her to various parts of the woods.

So, she spent weeks upon weeks changing locations and traveling the country side. She spent most mornings throwing up, wishing the bug would go away, but it didn’t. At one point, she figured that since it only ever happened in the morning, when she first woke up and realized George’s arms weren’t around her, that she was just home sick, which made her physically ill. She was also incredibly bored and lonely.

On her third week, after talking to Dumbledore, things took a turn. When she used her Deluminator, it would actually take her to those in need. She would always help from afar, trying to not be seen. She never recognized anyone she helped, but that didn’t matter. After stunning the Snatchers and watching the captives get free and scamper, she would tie ropes around the Snatchers, use an Anti-Disapparation charm on them so they couldn’t leave, and alert the Order. She assumed they were taken somewhere and held captive themselves, which she didn’t mind. The people she helped ranged from more elderly people, to middle-aged and her age, and then to even younger…

In September, Emily used the Deluminator and landed in the woods near a playground. A little boy was being thrown around by a group of three Snatchers. She whipped her wand out and pointed at the closest one to her, stunning him. The others looked around as the boy cowered at the stump of a tree. They started toward her, wands raised, but she was too quick for them. She stunned them and they fell to the ground, motionless.

“Hey, sweetie,” Emily said softly as she made her way toward the boy. He whimpered once. “I’m not going to hurt you. Those bad guys aren’t going to hurt you anymore, okay?” The boy looked at her, his tears still falling down his cheeks. She held out her arms hesitantly, carefully. “Why don’t we take you home?” Emily asked gently. He nodded once before jumping into her arms. She ruffled his hair and picked him up. His tiny legs wound around the left side of her waist as she made her way out of the woods. He looked only to be about four or so.

“Is your mommy at the playground?” she whispered to him. He shook his head against her shoulder. “Okay… Can you tell me which way to get to your mommy?” The boy nodded and pointed toward a side street. Emily started walking that way.

“My name is Emily, what’s yours?” Emily asked gently.

“Brandon,” he said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands.

“Did they hurt you, Brandon?”

“No, you stopped them right after they pulled me off the jungle gym,”
he hiccoughed. “They saw me using magic.”

“How come nobody was watching you?”
Emily asked, trying to not sound as furious as she felt.

“Janie was supposed to wait with me, but she ran off with her friends,” Brandon whispered into her neck. Emily nodded, her eyebrows knitting together.

“Is Janie your sister?” Brandon nodded. He pointed toward a house a little ways away and Emily picked up the pace. She trudged up the front steps and knocked on the door three times.

After a minute or two a woman with a heart shaped face and brown curly hair opened the door. She looked confused when she saw Emily and then she zeroed in on Brandon. Brandon wiggled free of Emily’s grasp and hugged his mother’s leg. Emily almost smiled but then she remembered that he had been abandoned on the playground. Emily put her hands on her hips, which evidently made her look more like her mother.

“Who are you?” the woman demanded as she picked Brandon up.

“My name is Emily. Brandon was being bullied by some Snatchers, but I got there before they could hurt him,” Emily said coldly.

“Sn-Snatchers?” the woman stuttered as she looked down at her son’s unruly hair. Emily nodded once.

“He had been abandoned on the playground—you might not want your daughter watching him anymore if she’s going to just leave him there alone,” Emily said angrily.

“Janie left hi—Brandon was alon—thank you,” the woman finally said as she clutched her son closer to herself.

“Don’t mention it, just be more careful,” Emily said before stalking back down the path. She went back to the playground to clean up after her mess. She transfigured them all into small rocks and kicked them deeper into the woods. Afterwards, she hid behind a few bushes and Apparated. She immediately went through the tent and snatched her mirror from her bag.

“Severus Snape,” she hissed into her mirror, very angry.

“What do you want?” he sneered.

“What do I want?” she exploded. He backtracked, staring at her suspiciously. “I want to know why his bloody Snatchers are picking on four year old boys?” she yelled at the greasy haired man.

“I don’t have any control over them,” he said with a roll of his eyes before hanging up on her. Emily stared at the mirror in shock before throwing it on the couch. She kicked one of her books across the room and threw her head in her hands. Her tears came before she could stop them.

“I didn’t think they’d go as far as to pick on little kids,” Emily whispered to herself. Emily shook her head once as she curled up on the sofa.

What do you think? Oh, and the next post is where stuff actually starts happening and what not... You'll see
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