Hello Allison. I can't believe you wrote such an incredible chapter! And I can't get over how natural and real everything is. You are very talented.
Plus I had a nagging feeling about what color my feathers might be, and I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about it.
I'm quite sure I feel wonderful about it if they turn an emerald green.
I know it looks like Abby and Sheamus are hitting it off great, and you can't deny the way she feels when he holds her hand. And the kiss was perfect, but still there's this:
I watched Harry go over to her, their small chat as she insisted she didn't mind him joining her at all, and his body slinking into the chair across from her.
I felt the sting of jealousy creeping in, but I shoved it off.
I still have hope, and I'm not giving up! Just
if Sheamus and Abby don't work out, please get him someone almost as wonderful as Abby.
Great chapter Allison! I'll be watching for your next.