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Oh. My. Goodness.
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be unprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid again to see if he was still doing something odd?
Louisa blinked several times. Er.. cookie back? She felt something in her stomach. Oh no, not you. Something was lurching down there. Her blood went out of her face suddenly. Damn! Why was she always so curious to what others were doing?
She put her hand on her mouth. No not you. Why was the cookie coming out? Maybe it felt the trouble Louisa put herself into. If it wasn't for that boy, she wouldn't have stolen the spell. Grrr.. she'd deal with him later but now she had to convince the cookie to stay in her body for a little longer.
The professor waited for them to show their cookies and people started to respond. Louisa ignored thinking fast. Truth meant embarrassment so she shoved the idea to the back of her head and started looking around for a piece of cookie that somebody dropped accidentally.