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Coming to the makeshift classroom as directed by the note left in the real classroom, Simon stepped inside and moved to take a seat at one of the desks. Setting his bag at his feet, he looked curiously at the covered plate before picking up the note to read what it had to say.
Hmm now how to accomplish that, he mused to himself finally lifting the over up and off. He thought over several options, even overhearing a few from his classmates and debated on how to be creative. Taking out his wand, he finally cast a switching spell over one cookie, focusing a bit and transfiguring it into a quill before laying it to the side as if it was there to take notes with. The gryffindor then opted to eat the other for any other spell would still make it temporary.
Viky slipped into the classroom and took a seat next to Simon, staring at the cookies. She was supposed to make the cookies disappear? How was she going to do that?! She soo wanted to eat one, but that would be silly. Although it would work, theoretically. She just didn't want to eat in class. Soo... what to doooo? She could vanish it, she supposed.... but how?
OH. IDEA!! She had an ideaa! Viky looked down at the first cookie and pulled out her wand.
'Wingardium Leviosa!' she muttered, and watched in satisfaction as the cookie zoomed up into the air... oh yeah, she was supposed to do something
'Fixate!' she muttered, and it stopped suddenly. And now for the hard part....
'Locomotor cookie!'
Nothing. Hmm.
'LocoMOTor cookie!' she tried again, putting emphasis on different syllables. Still nothing.
'LoCOmotOR cookie!' she repeated, changing the emphasis again. This time, it worked. She moved the wand back and forth for a bit, and then decided where to put it. On Simon's head. She hovered above it for a minute, and then changed her mind. If he moved, it'd fall off and shatter. Not cool. So instead, she stuck it under his desk. That'd be okay, right?
And now for the other one. Pfft, why two? Though, this one should be easier, since she didn't have to get it back. What spells did she know for this? Well, depulso was one. But that was boring. But... Confringo. That'd do, surely. And she got to make thing explode! YEAH! '
Confringo!' Viky said loudly, pointing her wand at the remaining cookie. WOOT! It exploeded! Yayyy!
'So. Cool.' she muttered. Hehe.
And now she had no cookies left. But would Simon notice the extra one under his seat? She hoped that he wouldn't tell, if he did.