Goo goo g'joob
Jacob grumbled non-stop all the way down towards an 'enclosure'. SHE IS EVIL! likethe EVIL!Cake. Jacob was already at the grounds, and then he went up to the clas, only to find that they were having class on the grounds? The professor was just trying to make him angry, wasn't she? Evil Professor!
Reaching the desks, Jacob instantaniously perked up. COOKIES!
Jacob thrust both in his mouth! Yes Professor was now only moderatly evil. Taking the parchement, Jacob read as he chewed the cookies. YUMMY!
But With each word he read, his chewing got slower... and slower... and with the last word Jacob stopped chewing completely, and swallowed what was in his mouth... Great, Jacobs a failure. He made them both disappear permanently. in fact, it was slowly being digested Right now!
Yup Jacob is the biggest failure in the class. Looking around, he started to stare at the others. It was still relativly empty. Now was the big decision, whether or not to steal one of the lonely looking cookies that were sitting to his right.
YES! This was Jacobs Grades in Jepeordy! He hadn't failed any class yet. Jacob quickly snatched one of the cookies off the near by plate, making sure no one saw it. It wasn't necessarily 'stealing.' He was simply helping, whoever was gonna sit there too make their cookie disappear. See it was permanently gone from their plate and onto his.
now what to do with it to make it Temporarily disappear?
And what in the world did this have to do with Ancient Runes?
And why was Jacob asking himself questions?
¿Is He Mucho Loco?... ¡Sí!