((ooc/sorry, didn't meant to cover practically all of the class with that note from before, I was thinking it was only 'mentioning' of the pinnacle. Also I misunderstood the question at first, so I now editted))
5+2+7= 14
1+4 =5
month 2, day 5,
2+5= 7
So I guess the corresponding 7 => 0-29, but I don't know what does that numbers means either. The
chart I am using is confusing to me too.
My Pinnacle, 7, it says, means "influence of learning, investigating, and gaining skills. The number 7 is a somewhat introverted number and you will tend to be more of a loner while the pinnacle is in effect than you will be in other times of your life. You will be more comfortable working alone, and while marriage is not out of the question during this time, it will take a good bit of effort. You are apt to need periods of isolation to develop inner resources. This time will be especially marked by a your lack of interest in material matters and little concern with practical affairs. This lack of concern can result in some financial shortages, limited material benefits, or possibly physical handicaps."
It sounds like me. As me 24/7.
The First Pinnacle... Seven. With the number 7 first pinnacle, my circle of friends will not be large and I may have difficulty finding those you get along with. I'm a serious student, motivated to learn by inner yearnings. My youth may be a difficult and confusing time.
...pity is a little late to know that.