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"But they're opposites!" Oh MERLIN! This was going to be so confusing. Why did she pick this lesson to actually CARE about the subject?!
Ellie glanced at Reynolds for some support. Treyen was going crazy, wasn't he?
Nolan had to admit, even if Ellie was a bit confused he was very proud of her showing some interest in the subject, since last term she'd seemed very...skeptic about it, as many students were.
"Treyen is right...death does not literally mean DEATH in all cases. Many times it can just mean an end to something, perhaps a job or a friendship. Not necessarily meaning someone is going to literally die," he explained. No need for them all to act like they've seen a grim now!
He hoped for just a TINY second that they were back on track when...GIGGLING ensued.
"Wait, what?" the professor asked in confusion. Why were they laughing at him?
It was PEEVES again wasn't it???!
Turning around quickly to see if the joker had written something else on his board, he completely missed the poltergeist as he flew up into the air. Ok, WHAT did he do to this board?? That HAD to be the reason they were all giggling. He messed it up somehow...but WHERE? All the notes still looked the same to him!
He was completely oblivious to his black framed glasses bobbing around near the ceiling.