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Old 09-29-2010, 01:34 AM   #117 (permalink)
stan lanevski
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{Mr. Musical} Annew <3 //Pokes!!!

Originally Posted by Yaya View Post
There wasn't much Annie could say after the kiss on her forehead. She just wore that wide smile. "And I love you, too...and we have to learn that, we have to be patient on all this, mostly if we have plans for the future." Sure, like Drew was still confused on what he wanted to do with his life, making Annie think of maybe leaving soccer. But that'd be a total nightmare to her. Love v. Soccer. OH MAN.

"Promise. I just wanna practice levitation...and maybe some repelling charms...nothing big." Cough-cough. "And probably some transfiguration, but in that case I'll use what instruced by the textbooks." Yeah, what if Annie made Drew's nose a bit larger? Or turned it into a mouse nose? That'd be ugly.

Annie's parents would probably freak out. "Umm...they'd be against it at first, but my excuse is that it would be my last summer...before I start soccer and I'll have like no time, and I'd also tell them about celebrating your, I hope it's enough." And in case they needed a chaperone, Annie's mom could come. No doubt.
Andrew nodded to Annie's comment. "Yesss I know we do. And I better be somewhere in those plans of yours." He teased, seeing as he wasn't sure what he was going to do....maybe go back to muggle school for a bit???? That sure sounded like something he would do.

"You better be careful Robles is all I have to say." Drew commented with a chuckle. So what if Annie did something to him it's not like he couldn't just fix it! Plus he could tease her about it foreverrrrr! Mwahaha!

Some how Drew had a feeling that Annie's parents weren't going to want him to be allll alone in a different country with their daughter! "You know your family could always just come to." Drew wouldn't mind Pal being there! He loved that little kid and missed herrrr!
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