Originally Posted by
Team ronmione
"That is a opinion on your way of how YOU VIEW life..."Adam said sternly. "Maybe you see life , after a boy break up with you, in a negative way..So everytime you see me, you think I'm ruining your life, when I'm just trying to get on by..."Adam explained to her.
Katie looked at him,
"I want to be friends, I want us to get along, It's you who is stopping me, you talk about me behind my back, you told Fee that I had a crush on Edmond but how do you know, I wasn't flirting, I was being a good friend to him, I had a fight with Fee because of what you said, just stay away from me, it may be a free country but I don't want you anywhere near me!" Katie said, a tear came to her eye, she wanted to be normal, a muggle, thats how much she didn't like Adam.