Originally Posted by
AlexandraRamos Jimbo frowned as he looked at the boy's fake mustache. "It looks really good actually. Too good..." He stared at the boy's mustache for a while, before holding out the marker to Preston. "Make mine cooler like yours."
Huwhattt? How could he not know anyone his age? The place was always crawling with firsties. "How is that even possible? There are soooo many kids your age that it's sickening." Seriously. All the firsties he had seen or met were...icky. Except for Preston, it seems. He seemed alright.
He took a bit of candy for himself and looked back up at the statue. The candy that was stuck on there seemed to be less stuck. He reached out with his hand and took it off easily. Smiling, he ate that too. No candy should ever go to waste. That goes for cupcakes too.
Preston took the marker from him carefully. Not sure if Jim was serious about this or not...
"H-h-how d-d-do I d-d-do th-that?" He asked, he didn't want to make it look awful and make Jim mad at him...
Preston bit his lip, why couldn't Jim just make Preston's worse...problem solved. Preston didn't mind if his wasn't as awesome as Jim's. He just thought it was cool to have a mustache drawn on his face.
He turned back to the statue and eyed the candy. Now all Preston wanted was candy...and more candy. Though the mustaches were cool he just want to eat some candy. He hadn't had any since the train. And that was far too long ago.