Originally Posted by
Steelsheen "Gesundheit" he replied to Fletcher as he smirked at him. He listened at Fletcher and laughed, adding quickly "And you hafta use the bouquet of roses to cast the spell on the cart to get it to move, because it is the only way to get it to draw a map of your future romantic quests!" he exclaimed, waving his arm around like it had an imaginary bouquet for a wand. He leaned back at this seat laughing, mirroring the homie gesture back at Fletcher.
Oh then Rae had hers to add "You gotta good point Rae. Of course that gigantic map with your romantic future needs to be interpreted-- and you'll get the meaning of that map when you get a visit from the Goddess of Love in your dream!"
They are so right on this. Pinpoint accuracy. And who says Divination was a foggy subject?
Pshaawwwww! Yeah, they were catching on alright... Oh pat yourself on the back Rae! For the professor is going to give you a bajillion points for figuring THIS one out! And then give Salander 1000 points for adding on... And then give Evelyn 900 points for giving them the genius title... Salander was only one table away... Once he finished Rae smiled widely..
"DUUDEEE.... High five on that!" As she leaned over to high five her intelligent friend.