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Jayce turned his head as he heard foot steps coming down the hallway. It looked to e a guy around his age. But it wasn't like it mattered or anything, Jay just liked to take notes about people. As the guy approached, and stood next to him, the gryffindor smiled at him. "Hey." he replied. "I'm Jayce." he told the boy, as he noted the french accent that laced the boys words. Jay extended his hand, to the frenchie.
Beck looked over at the guy that returned his hello. Beck nodded and shook the guys hand. Ah Jayce was the name. Did Haylay mention a Jayce person being her boyfriend. Anywho that didn't matter. He didn't like Haylay anymore. That was a total lie but if he kept on saying it to himself then soom enough it would be true. Hopefully. Beck smiled.
"Nice to meet you Jayce." Beck said to him.
"I'm Beck Salvatore."