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The Baseball FieldUpon stepping through the door, you are probably quite surprised (or not) to find yourself standing on a Baseball Field. Or a miniature version of it anyway. Even though, the ceiling looks like the actual sky outside it is only echanted to do so and is actually only a magically enhanced ceiling of which, say, a baseball would easily bounce off.
As you step in further, you might notice a rather bulky box which is obviously full of...something. Furthermore, a huge pile of sneakers can be seen, sneakers in all sizes and colors and variations. You wait for the rest of the class to file in.
" Well, I plsyred baseball in SweetWatewr, Texas" Rex told the professor. "So I can play the infield, Second base is my postionn, sir" Rex said to him. I brought by keds, which are called tennis shoes, sir' Rex smiled.