Snake disguised as Raven Browncoat Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani A fainthearted chuckle left him despite everything; despite feeling like he couldn't express another moment of laughter or smile, or even anger. But then, Kellen always had the strange ability to drag out a bit of humor or happiness no matter the situation; it was as if he purposefully fished for it. "Sometimes, Stern, your not helping, helps." If that even made any sense. Another pass of his hand over his face and he paused, frowning at the blood on his sleeve. "You are weird like that." For you, Sabel Dakest? Kellen had a fine variety of specialty lures in his arsenal, all designed to attract a specific emotion so he could hook it and bring it to the surface. He really should have considered getting his own show. "I am," he made no attempt to disagree with Sabel. "Fortunately, my weirdness seems to shine a light of hope into the spiraling darkness that is your emotional soul. Or something like that. I could eat a banana split right now. You?" |