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Old 09-27-2010, 01:29 AM   #103 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
"I was careful in my honesty, Lexi, because I didn't want to get into this. You have a tendency to be very sensitive." Using his teeth to tug his sleeve over his hand, he gently wiped the fabric across the surface of her open palm. "I don't know how you think I could have hurt you, but I can understand the need to protect yourself. Though, that last wall you have no idea how much it hurt to run into that."

Pulling his hand gently out of her grip, he exchanged it for his wand and cast a bandage charm about her open hand. Somehow, his voice retained it's calmness though the anger was still surging under the surface. "Are you going to let me in Lexi? Because I see no point in opening myself up to you like I have, if you are just going to throw walls up in my face again. I am exhausted and I can't deal with it if that is going to be the case."
Lexi winced again as Sabel ran his shirt over her palm. She gave her shoulders a small shrug and said, "I began to get closer to you than anyone else and then the floor fell out from under me... my world was turned upside down and I felt that if I let you in any further that somehow, for some reason you would end up hurting me like everything else did."

She sighed when he moved his hand out of hers and just as she was about to drop it he cast the bandages on her hand and she sighed once more. Still there trying to make everything better, typical of Sabel regardless of the hurtful words she had flung at him. "I can TRY to let you in. That is the best I can do. I can't promise you that I can let that wall tumble down... it is there to protect me and it is a bit difficult to let it go. But I care a LOT about you so I will definitely try. The only people that I have really let in are Finlay and Dylan... They scare me too," she said looking at him from a totally different perspective now. Could she let him in? Would he run away if he saw the real her? "I am sensitive... But there is good reason for it. You hit the nail on the head when you said I have no self esteem. There is reason for that too..." she trailed off and tugged the sleeves of her pyjamas down over her hands as best she could.

"Does it make any difference for me to apologize again? I truly am sorry for all that has happened. I am sorry that I tried so hard to push you away. I am just sorry, in every sense of the word," she choked out as fresh tears threatened to fall. She bit her lower lip and averted her eyes.
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