Originally Posted by
The Narrator
As the rock came down on the vine, the sound of the rock being smashed against the wall that the vine rested on echoed through the wall. Fortunately for the Beauxbaton, he'd done considerably damage to the vine, even though it was not completely disconnected yet. A few more blows should do the trick.
For a moment after slicing at the vine, Noel stopped and listened with wide eyes as the noise echoed throughout the walls of the cave. Even his breathing had turned quiet until the sound stopped. Nothing all that disastrous was happening though. No cave-ins or shadowy figures coming from the dark. At least, he
hoped nothing bad was going to come of the rumbling sound.
Letting out the breath he was holding when he deemed it safe, his eyes flickered back to his work, noticing that the vine was almost cut through. Feeling how deep it was with his fingers, he figured a few more blows would cut it through. Raising the rock over his head again, he brought it down against the vine as hard as he could once more, before giving another strike, and another. On the fourth strike, the rock cut through, causing his hand and body to fall to the side since he was holding the vine at an angle to stretch it as much as possible; most of his weight was leaning to the side. Stumbling to a stop, he stood up straight and breathed heavily, holding the vine up to look at, a proud expression crossing his face as a laugh escaped him.
One down, a million more to go.
"Facile comme la respiration." He chuckled, placing the vine down on the floor before finding another on the wall to cut off. Strike after strike, blow after blow, and echoes after echoes he heard and did, until he was beginning to get a nice little pile of vines near him. It was only after the ninth vine he cut down was he starting to feel how much strength he was putting into this. The burn through his arm from using it as much as he was wasn’t all that great and consuming, but he was realizing that this would probably weaken his strength in it.
Wiping the little sweat forming on his forehead and moving the pieces of wet dark hair away from his face, his blue eyes flickered around the cave once more before going back to his task. A few more, he kept telling himself, and then he could move on with his task of getting down the drop there.
With the seventeenth vine in his hand, freshly cut from the wall, Noel lazily dropped the rock and moved towards his pile of flitterbloom vines, dropping the one he just cut behind placing his hands on his waste…and taking a small break. Just to catch his breath. Not that he really needed to but he needed to climb down that drop. It was going to need a lot more strength then what he used to cut the vines.
"Alright." Picking up two vines, the Beauxbatons student started to tie two ends of them together, making sure the knot was securely tight before picking up another vine, and tying it to another end. As he went through the vines, knotting them together, his mind kept moving towards those umbrella flowers. It would be impossible to get even four on himself without them overcrowding his body. Two at the most would do. On each shoulder. As he got the third to final flitterbloom vine tied and knotted strongly with the rope like thing, he took one end and dragged it over to the vine he first tested out to see if it would break away from the wall, and knotted those two ends together.
There. One long rope. And now, for his safety gear. With the last two vines, he used them to secure two umbrella flowers to his shoulders. It was NOT an easy task doing that. Harder than cutting through the vines! Noel even had to result in using to teeth and mouth to pull the vines tight around his shoulders so the flowers would stay. To say it was a pleasant experience…he would rather have eaten the British food this week. Alas though, he got them both to stay. Now he just looked ridiculous with two oversized purple and blue plant umbrellas stuck to his shoulder; both of which were taller than his head. Great.
Picking up the pile of vine/rope, he tossed it down over the drop before jogging over to the fireseeds. It was a bit difficult to do that though, seeing as whenever he took another step, the wind resistance of the flowers would slow him down. No matter though; he needed those seeds. Glow or not, he could throw them for defense reasons or something later if needed. Stuffing half of them in the pockets of his pants since they wouldn’t all fit, he quickly tied his jacket around his waist. Just as quickly, Noel picked up the vine rope and let it glide through his hand as he walked towards the edge of the cliff. Alright.
"Veuillez…" Let him not fall. Sitting down on the edge, he found a nice tiny little ledge just below that he placed his foot on. Now or never.
With a surge of confidence, he grasped the vine tightly with both hands, before jumping forward into the darkness, and turning his body so when he stuck out his feet, they would hit the cliff’s wall.